RGB stands for Red Green Blue and is how electronic displays such as your computer monitor display color. CMYK stands for Cyan Magenta Yellow Key and is how most printers print color.
When creating artwork in software such as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, you have the option to work in either RGB or CMYK. With our particular printing process, it’s industry best practice to use the RGB color mode for glass, plastics, ceramics and metals, and CMYK for fabrics.
Our printers automatically convert your submitted files from RGB to CMYK and this conversion changes the color gamut. That is why we suggest you design your file within the CMYK color space, but it is still ok to upload a RGB file.
We’ve completed rigorous color testing and calibration to ensure that files created in the recommended color mode print beautifully and as expected!
Please note: Colors will vary across substrates. For this reason, we recommend testing your color palette on the products you choose to carry.
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